@article{159731, keywords = {structural topic model, text analysis, LDA, stm, R}, author = {Margaret Roberts and Brandon Stewart and Dustin Tingley}, title = {stm: An R Package for Structural Topic Models}, abstract = { This paper demonstrates how to use the R package stm for structural topic modeling. The structural topic model allows researchers to flexibly estimate a topic model that includes document-level metadata. Estimation is accomplished through a fast variational approximation. The stm package provides many useful features, including rich ways to explore topics, estimate uncertainty, and visualize quantities of interest. }, year = {2019}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, volume = {91}, pages = {1{\textendash}40}, issn = {1548-7660}, url = {https://www.jstatsoft.org/v091/i02}, doi = {10.18637/jss.v091.i02}, language = {eng}, }