@article{33311, author = {Margaret Roberts and Brandon Stewart and Dustin Tingley and Christopher Lucas and Jetson Leder-Luis and Shana Gadarian and Bethany Albertson and David Rand}, title = {Structural topic models for open-ended survey responses}, abstract = {

Collection and especially analysis of open-ended survey responses are relatively rare in the discipline and when conducted are almost exclusively done through human coding. We present an alternative, semi-automated approach, the structural topic model (STM) (Roberts, Stewart, and Airoldi 2013; Roberts et al. 2013), that draws on recent developments in machine learning based analysis of textual data. A crucial contribution of the method is that it incorporates information about the document, such as the author{\textquoteright}s gender, political affiliation, and treatment assignment (if an experimental study). This article focuses on how the STM is helpful for survey researchers and experimentalists. The STM makes analyzing open-ended responses easier, more revealing, and capable of being used to estimate treatment effects. We illustrate these innovations with analysis of text from surveys and experiments.

}, year = {2014}, journal = {American Journal of Political Science}, volume = {58}, pages = {1064-1082}, language = {eng}, }