
stm: An R Package for the Structural Topic Model

An R Package for estimation of the Structural Topic Model.  Currently available on CRAN and hosted on Github.  More information including features, a vignette, and installation instructions are available at the project's website


Conceptualization through clustering.  A method for computer assisted reading.


An R Package for memory-efficient optimization with an L1 penalty.  This provides a wrapper around Naoaki Okazaki library libLBFGS which implements LBFGS and OWL-QN.

stmBrowser: An R Package for the Structural Topic Model Browser
This D3 visualization allows users to interactively explore the relationships between topics and the covariates estimated from the stm package in R. See a demo here.  Code available at: and


Generates an interactive visualization of topic correlations/hierarchy in a Structural Topic Model (STM) of Roberts, Stewart, and Tingley. The package performs a hierarchical clustering of topics which are then exported to a JSON object and visualized using D3. Available at

stmgui: Shiny Application for Creating STM ModelsProvides a graphical user interface via Rstudio's Shiny package for the Structural Topic Model.  Available at